Big A. Road | Toccoa, GA 30577 | Retail | For Sale
Updated large free-standing restaurant and house for sale on Big A Road with over 60 parking spaces on 1.88 +/- acre for sale. The two properties had major renovations in 2007. The site has an average daily car count of 25,568.
Status For Sale
Area +/- 1.88 Acres
Location Tocca, GA
Type Restaurant
1074 and 1076 Big A. Road, Tocca, GA 30577
1074 and 1076 Big A. Road, Tocca, GA 30577
Property Highlights
Situated next to restaurant chains and large retailers.
Development opportunity with the large tract of land.
The lease ends in early 2026.
Jeff Koon
Contact Jeff Koon for more information or fill out the inquiry form below.